Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Japanese and Korean Teas

oksusucha (kr. corn tea)
mugicha (barley tea, often served cold on ice; kr. bori cha)
sencha ("roasted tea", most common tea of japan)
bancha ("common tea", lower grade then sencha)
gyokuro ("jade dew", highest grade tea)
mecha (between sencha and gyokuro)
hukamushi (sencha which is steamed longer)
kabuse-cha ("covered tea", sencha grown in shade)
kamairi-cha ("pan-fired tea", similar to Chinese pan-fried teas)
kukicha ("stalk tea", twigs of tea leaves)
genmaicha (tea and rosted brown rice)
konacha (coarsely ground tea)
matcha (powdered tea from young gyokuro leaves)
houjicha (roasted green tea)
rei-cha (cold green tea)

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