Star schema
"The star schema (sometimes referenced as star join schema) is the simplest style of data warehouse schema."
Friday, May 29, 2009
Extended Backus–Naur Form
Extended Backus–Naur Form
"In computer science, Extended Backus–Naur Form (EBNF) is a metasyntax notation used to express context-free grammars: that is, a formal way to describe computer programming languages and other formal languages."
"In computer science, Extended Backus–Naur Form (EBNF) is a metasyntax notation used to express context-free grammars: that is, a formal way to describe computer programming languages and other formal languages."
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
"An anxiolytic (or antianxiety agent) is a drug prescribed for the treatment of symptoms of anxiety."
"An anxiolytic (or antianxiety agent) is a drug prescribed for the treatment of symptoms of anxiety."
High dynamic range imaging
High dynamic range imaging
"In image processing, computer graphics, and photography, high dynamic range imaging (HDRI or just HDR) is a set of techniques that allows a greater dynamic range of luminances between light and dark areas of a scene than normal digital imaging techniques."
"In image processing, computer graphics, and photography, high dynamic range imaging (HDRI or just HDR) is a set of techniques that allows a greater dynamic range of luminances between light and dark areas of a scene than normal digital imaging techniques."
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Juzo Itami
Juzo Itami
"Juzo Itami (伊丹 十三 ,Itami Jūzō?, May 15, 1933 – December 20, 1997) was an actor and (later) a popular modern Japanese film director. Many critics came to regard him as Japan's greatest director since Akira Kurosawa. His 10 movies, all of which he wrote himself, are comic satires on elements of Japanese culture."
"Juzo Itami (伊丹 十三 ,Itami Jūzō?, May 15, 1933 – December 20, 1997) was an actor and (later) a popular modern Japanese film director. Many critics came to regard him as Japan's greatest director since Akira Kurosawa. His 10 movies, all of which he wrote himself, are comic satires on elements of Japanese culture."
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
(Geometric) Distortion (optics)
Distortion (optics)
"In geometric optics and cathode ray tube (CRT) displays, distortion is a deviation from rectilinear projection, a projection in which straight lines in a scene remain straight in an image. It is a form of optical aberration."
"In geometric optics and cathode ray tube (CRT) displays, distortion is a deviation from rectilinear projection, a projection in which straight lines in a scene remain straight in an image. It is a form of optical aberration."
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Bernard d'Espagnat
Bernard d'Espagnat
"Bernard d'Espagnat (b. Fourmagnac, France, 1921) is a French theoretical physicist, philosopher of science, and author, best known for his work on the nature of reality."
"Bernard d'Espagnat (b. Fourmagnac, France, 1921) is a French theoretical physicist, philosopher of science, and author, best known for his work on the nature of reality."
Hardy's paradox
Hardy's paradox
"Hardy's paradox is a thought experiment in quantum mechanics devised by Lucien Hardy in which a particle and its antiparticle may interact without annihilating each other. The paradox arises in that this may only occur if the interaction is not observed and so it seemed that one might never be able to confirm this."
"Hardy's paradox is a thought experiment in quantum mechanics devised by Lucien Hardy in which a particle and its antiparticle may interact without annihilating each other. The paradox arises in that this may only occur if the interaction is not observed and so it seemed that one might never be able to confirm this."
"In physics, nonlocality is a direct influence of one object on another distant object, in violation of the principle of locality."
"In physics, nonlocality is a direct influence of one object on another distant object, in violation of the principle of locality."
"Synesthesia (also spelled synæsthesia or synaesthesia, plural synesthesiae or synaesthesiae)—from the Ancient Greek σύν (syn), 'together,' and αἴσθησις (aisthēsis), 'sensation' — is a neurologically based phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway."
"Synesthesia (also spelled synæsthesia or synaesthesia, plural synesthesiae or synaesthesiae)—from the Ancient Greek σύν (syn), 'together,' and αἴσθησις (aisthēsis), 'sensation' — is a neurologically based phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway."
"Onomatopoeia or onomatopœia, from the Greek ὀνοματοποιία (ὄνομα for 'name' and ποιέω for 'I make'), is one or more words that imitate or suggest the source of the sound they are describing."
"Onomatopoeia or onomatopœia, from the Greek ὀνοματοποιία (ὄνομα for 'name' and ποιέω for 'I make'), is one or more words that imitate or suggest the source of the sound they are describing."
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Honne and tatemae
Honne and tatemae
"Honne (本音 ?) refers to a person's true feelings and desires. Tatemae (建前 ?), literally 'façade,' is the behaviour and opinions one displays in public."
"Honne (本音 ?) refers to a person's true feelings and desires. Tatemae (建前 ?), literally 'façade,' is the behaviour and opinions one displays in public."